Try A Scanner

Try A Neat Scanner to get your desk organized

Tag Archives: document scanner

Reviews say NeatDesk not up to the speed with Scan Snap 1500

I read a great article on A Scanner Blog that shows the stats of customer reviews from for both the NeatDesk and the Fujitsu Scan Snap 1500. The data from customer clearly shows that the Neat Desk Scanner and the scanner software called NeatWorks does not live up to the hype. The Fujitsu scan snap had nearly 99 % positive reviews while the Neat Scanners were less than 47% positive. There were multiple complaints about the speed of the software and the functionality of the latest version that could not even be downloaded without getting an error notice referring you back to the older version of the software.

You can find out more information on the customer reviews and comparisons to other desk top and portable scanners here a:

A Scanner Blog

There are plenty of options out there on the scanning market and it is not necessary to buy something that has taken so many negative reviews.  I was thinking that the negative feedback for the Neat Company may have been old but they have several recent reviews that are critical of the latest version of the scanner software and I was unable to even download the latest version to get my Neat Receipts up and running on a new computer.  It was very frustrating and annoying after talking up the scanner to a friend  only to not be able to even use it to clear my paperwork off my desk.

try neat with neat receipts from Neat Co

The TRY Neat Neat Receipts Scanner

Buy A scanner and TryNeat Receipts


The Try Neat Scanner called Neat Receipts really does live up to the hype. I was skeptical but when I decided to give it a test run I was pleasantly surprised. The Neat Receipts Portable Scanner and then NeatWorks software is a great scanner and a great way to go paperless.
If you were considering one of the tryneat scanners from Neat Co I would say it is definitely worth a try.
The Scanning of receipts is so easy and the quick scan feature allows the luxury of scanning in your daily receipts into a mailbox without having to run the full version of the program. The mailbox stores your scans until you are ready to sort through them or file them into specifics folders.
This smart scanner is neat and it can turn your messy desk into a neatdesk and give you digitally filed and organized neatreceipts.

The NeatReceipts Scanner automatically accepts your receipt once you insert it into the scanner. It takes the paper in just enough to hold it and when you hit scan it smoothly runs receipts through and scans them even if they are a bit old and wrinkled. You will be glad you bought a neatreceipts scanner.
Check out for more information on great document scanners.